New vs. used pallets for sale: which is the better option?
When you’re looking to buy or hire pallets for your business, you’ll see that there are more options out there than you might have first thought!
A good place to start is to decide whether you want to buy new or used pallets.
Why buy new pallets?
The reason you might buy your pallets new is if you’re transporting hygiene-sensitive products. That’s usually things like food or pharmaceuticals.
With those sort of products, you want to reduce any risk of contamination as far as possible. While used pallets are generally clean and hygienic, we cannot completely eradicate the risk of contamination, and so new pallets are usually the right choice for transporting these goods.
You may also choose new pallets if you need an unusual size and shape. Used pallets are usually standard shapes and sizes that work with UK and European logistics. In the vast majority of cases, this is exactly what you need. But for unusual loads, you might require bespoke pallets. We’re able to prepare new pallets in bulk if you need them.
In a similar vein, if your load is particularly heavy then you may opt for new pallets. Reconditioned pallets are checked for vulnerabilities and regularly fortified, but new pallets will generally have a higher structural integrity to carry very heavy loads.
Additionally, pallet standards and quality control are essential in logistics, and organizations like the European Pallet Association (EPAL) ensure compliance with strict quality guidelines for pallet manufacturing and safety.
Why you would choose used pallets
The main reason to choose used pallets is for cost reasons. Used pallets are around 60% of the cost of new pallets, so it saves you a lot of money.
Reused pallets are repaired regularly to prolong their lifespan and to make sure that they are always fit for purpose. They come in the standard sizes and reliably ‘do the job’ for most business purposes
We can guarantee that they’re always available too. We always have stock in for reconditioned pallets so you have access to affordable, reused pallets whenever you need them, even if it’s at short notice.
The environmental considerations
There are arguments on both sides for the environmental reasons for choosing new or used pallets.
The majority of our pallets are reconditioned, which means that they are made from recycled wood. The wood that may have been thrown away or otherwise discarded ends up in our pallets. Equally, there’s no need to fell more trees, because we only use the wood that’s in circulation. We estimate that we usually recycle around 2 million pallets per year, which saves around 50,000 trees.
On the other hand, new pallets are now made from sustainably-sourced timber these days. That means that the forests they come from are managed responsibly and they balance the needs of the environment, wildlife, and forest communities. So new pallets are made with sustainability in mind.
We understand that lots of businesses are now looking to achieve or maintain B Corp© status, or you need to report your environmental impact in an ESG report.
Whether you choose new or used pallets, you can justify your decision with reference to the considerations you’ve given to your environmental performance. Investing in reused pallets shows your commitment to the circular economy. But if the load you’re carrying means that new pallets are the best option for you, then you can say that you only buy pallets that are made from sustainably-sourced timber.
How we can help
If you’d like to chat to an expert about which pallets are most suitable for the load you want to carry, please get in touch. We’re happy to talk you through the options and make a suggestion for you, with an estimate of the projected costs.